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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mummy back to work!

Mummy was back to work for a week... Kaylia must be feeling y mummy suddenly lost liao cos mummy was wif her everyday since she was born... Kaylia's daily routine will be early morning wake up at 6.45am for milk.. then left home at 7.10am... reach po po house at 7.20am... then mummy accompany her for awhile & mummy went to work at 8.05am... then mummy for the whole week off work at 7+ and only reach home at 7.45 to 8pm... then mummy will only bring kaylia home at 9pm... when kaylia reach home, kaylia will be sleeping at around 10.45-11.15pm... and kaylia will sleep until morning....
Mummy been missing kaylia everyday since going back to work... n mummy was so busy wif work... but mummy promise kaylia, when kaylia starts on semi-solid food, mummy will take a week leave n accompany her....
i really treasure weekend time wif her... cos tat's the only time i have more wif her.... actually for a mother to go back to work, its really not easy... cos mummy will miss baby alot and felt so guilty not seeing her progressing... kaylia already able to stand up her head more firmly nowadays... think not long later her neck will be very firm... so the next stage for her is to flip by herself... but think she too lazy to do so... haha.... i really hope i will be around to see her first crawl, first words... first stand... everything the first time she do... really dun wish to miss any of the followings... hopefully i still be able to cos at least i still have a month of maternity leave and 20+ days of annual leave...
hmmm... wanted to plan a tour and bring kaylia along... thinking of going europe for honeymoon wif kaylia... but daddy says kaylia too young to travel so far n not wif my mum around... think daddy scared too tiring to handle kaylia while travelling on our own... so maybe wan to plan a nearby trip wif my mum going together... maybe can go taiwan.... hmmm... should start planning already....
Last week, we went to toys warehouse sales selling fisher price toys... we bought Jumperoo, baby chair, playgym, and a small toy for kaylia.... it costs us $425.... just on buying toys.... and after thinking for sometime, daddy went back to get the learning home for kaylia... it cost $150... on just buying toys for kaylia, we spent $500+... my mum keep saying cannot always buy so good things for kaylia.... wait next time she grow up, she expect all her things to be branded and expensive... tats quite true... but still, i cant stop myself buying things for her... haha
Today, we bring kaylia to expo for baby fair.... i happen to see MomsRus... and i went to the lady and ask her to teach me how to use the sling... cos i tried to use it on kaylia but i failed... so she teach me and tried kaylia on.... kaylia looks comfortable... i should start to practise more... haha... then we walk about.. i saw nuk products selling at less 30%... its so cheap... but the pp bottle was all sold out.... if not, i would like to get some... then we saw abt tis education system.. and the saleslady talk to us abt it... it was an education program tat parents should read and teach babies at young age... its quite interesting.... but it cost a bomb... the whole set would cost $5K +.... the figure was terrible.... it was nice but it's really too expensive...
Then after tat, we went to carrefour at suntec... we went to buy some groceries, kaylia's pampers and etc... it was quite a fun day bringing kaylia here n there.... although it's quite troublesome bringing her out, but i really enjoy my time wif her... she really bring me laughter... and having her, i feel blissful...
I hope to have more outings wif her on all my weekends... if not, i dun mind staying at home accompanying her... :)

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