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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kaylia down with a cough & flu

kaylia was having a cough on 23 April 2010, Friday... i heard kaylia coughing once in a while... although its not very serious... but looking at a small baby cough really looks pitiful... so on sat, we brought kaylia to eu yan sen to visit the chinese physician.... i ask the physician how did she get the cough? he only replied me "han"... i dun wan to ask much oso cos i dun think he able to give me any good ans... so he gave us 6 days chinese medicine... twice a day... it was yao fen... n it wasnt easy to feed her... initially i use the pacifier medicator to feed her medicine... but once she taste the medicine, she spit it out.... it was really a chores to feed her chinese medicine... she took the medicine for 3 days n it didnt get better but worse... so mah mah brought her to kidslink to see the doctor... after taking the medicine for a few days, she seems better but still have slight cough... tink virus is flying all over... i was oso infected by kaylia's virus.... cos i m down with a flu n cough as well....

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