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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kaylia's First Overseas Trip: Genting Highlands

On the 16 April 2010, Friday... kaylia was exactly 4 months old, kaylia went to Genting... Kaylia went wif mummy, daddy, gong gong, mah mah & jiu jiu... we book the tour with five star tours and took the coach from golden mile... just alone kaylia got 2 big bags and some kept in mummy & daddy's bag... its only a short trip but yet we need to bring so much things there... cos kaylia needs everything... and mummy went to buy a munchkin duck bathtub for her... so tat kaylia will be able to take good bath at genting... the preparation work to pack kaylia things was not easy... cos scared of forgetting tis n tat... thus, we brought everything there... kaylia was sleeping comfortably on mummy's arms on the way there... kaylia slept throughtout the journey except when it was 4.45am, think kaylia was abit hungry... kaylia cried for awhile.... then mah mah carry her n coax her to sleep... luckily kaylia didnt make a great fuss out of it... cos i dun have hot water to make milk for kaylia... n my breast milk is cold... but normally she dun drink in the midst of the night.... so luckily we manage to coax her until we reach genting at 5.30am... genting wasnt as cold as before... mummy was wearing shorts n it wasnt cold... daddy went to do check-in... as usual we were told tat we have to wait until 1pm then can check-in... so no choice, we sit at the lobby and mummy went to find hot water to make milk for kaylia... luckily a staff at the counter approach us... and saw tat we have a baby with us... so they allowed us to check-in first... all kaylia's blessing, we can get our room so early... after checking in... we went to genting hotel to have breaskfast... we expect the breakfast to be very nice... but it wasnt... there isnt much variety oso... after tat, we went back to our room n take a rest wif kaylia... n of cos we pump her duck bathtub and bath her.... she like the duck so much... keke... after tat, we left kaylia wif gong gong n mah mah... then we went to casino for awhile before we meet them for lunch... for the lunch, we have KFC... then after tat, we bring kaylia go walk walk... mummy brought some makeup remover and etc... then we just do window shopping over there... at genting as there is no fridge in the room, so mummy got to pai he kaylia drinking milk time n pump before kaylia needs to drink... so tat mummy's breastmilk wont be wasted... its really not easy... but we managed to do it... keke... thumbs up, kaylia... for dinner we met at the tim sum chinese restaurant for dinner.... the dinner was still alright... after tat, daddy went to a bar to sit down n watch soccer... so mummy went up to room wif kaylia n mah mah... mah mah change clothes for kaylia... n kaylia was laughing out so loudly... kaylia thot mah mah is playing with her... but mah mah is only changing her clothes... keke.... after tat, kaylia is tired and went to bed... mummy went down to look for daddy... we sat down awhile then mummy went up to room to take a rest first... mummy was too tired... daddy was back awhile later too... we intend to just take a nap but we actually slept until 6am... n was the phone ringing tat wakes up... mah mah call to say kaylia wake up already n wan milk... i immediately jump up n started pumping... haha... i was like a cow... all kaylia's fault as kaylia doesnt wan to latch on... luckily managed to do it.... i just pump awhile and quickly give it to her... normally morning time, i can pump up to 200ml... but i stop when my milk reach abt 150ml... cos even if i pump out, kaylia wont be able to finish n i have to throw as well... so all the 150ml, i gave it all to kaylia... kaylia was so hungry, kaylia drank all the 150ml... then we were to lazy to go out for breaskfast... so we have cup noodle for breakfast... then daddy bath kaylia... mummy was packing all the stuffs, cos it's time we going back soon... before we go back, we went to poney to buy a jacket for kaylia... the jacket is still too big for kaylia but we find it nice so we just buy first... keke... then while waiting for gong gong n mah mah to be back, we ate at the lobby of First World Hotel... the food sucks... really no appetite to eat it lor... n somemore its very expensive... then we went to take a coach back at 2.30pm... initially when kaylia was in the bus, kaylia kept talking... n it was noisy cos the whole bus was so quiet... i was so scared kaylia cant sleep as it was daytime and usually kaylia dun sleep much in daytime... but luckily after some time, kaylia slept throughout... until we reach yongping for dinner... when we reach, everybody went down, left only mummy, daddy and me... cos my diaper was so wet n mummy daddy changing for me... when we wanted to got down, the bus was locked... i was so scared n i kept crying... n tis cause mummy n daddy to have slight quarrel... naughty me!
we reach home at abt 9.30pm... tat ends kaylia first overseas trip...

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