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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kaylia's first laugh

A baby growing up is really interesting.... i feel so glad to be the first to witness kaylia's first laugh... tat was on 6 April 2010 Tuesday... as per normal, we brought her home from my mum's place... then i put her on her jumperoo... although her leg still cant touch the floor... but she already know how to move herself and shake.... then i was playing wif her... and i tapped on the jumperoo, the sound amuse her so much.... she suddenly laugh out... i was so stunned... then daddy heard it n quickly came over as well.... then i tried again... n she laugh again.... so i keep trying... and she laugh throughout.... then i quickly went to take flip and record down... luckily we managed to record it down... it was so amusing... ok, i should go n learn how to upload here... keke... (",)

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